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Academic Teaching
M.Arch.Aref Maksoud director of MAGLAB
Project Description

Studio Digital Architectural Design ((CAD-CAM3))

This workshop was for a studio project “CAD -CAM3” for the 1st semester 2011 at the Arab
International University. M.Arch.Aref Maksoud director of MAGLAB was invited by studio coordinator Prof.Dr.Yasser Al Ayoubi to participate in the final stages of the project. The students were introduced to the use of CNC and laser cutting machines, implementing the tools and strategies they learnt in Studio. They were able to build a real scale project from real materials(stereopore) . 
The project was finished in great timing within an intensive 5 day period, MAGLAB would like to thank Prof.Dr.Yasser Al Ayoubi for the invite and would like to thank the students for their wonderful efforts in finishing the project. 

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